› added 9 years ago


TIL that when Huckleberry Finn was first published, it was banned not for being racist as it is many times today, but for NOT being racist. It showed the friendship between a black man and a white boy.

neJ4d TIL about the Dionne quintuplets. They lived in a specially built hospital nicknamed "Quintland" in the mid 1930's in Ontario. They were the biggest tourist attraction at the time, bringing in more than $50 million in revenue and were also used in film and to promote Quaker Oats.
wLoZo The numbers tell the story: Of the 648 people killed by lightning in the U.S. from 1995 to 2008, 82 percent were male. And as much as we were hoping to uncover a biological cause—extra iron in the male cranium, perhaps, or the conductive properties of testosterone—it turns out men are... just kind of stupid. “Men take more risks in lightning storms,” says John Jensenius, a lightning safety expert with the National Weather Service.
GEY4 TIL: Lottery winners in the U.S. tended to move house immediately to areas of established privilege, whereas Canadians tended to renovate. Nearly 80% of winners from both countries quit their jobs (often to their regret), and many who kept working were alienated from co-workers.
xVmNg TIL that wild camels used to roam British Columbia for 43 years. During the gold rush people thought it was a good idea to use camels as pack animals. Their soft feet ended out making them ill suited for the rocky terrain. They were let loose and multiple generations survived, last seen 1905.
yV0ml TIL that Rome turns 2777 this year, having been founded, according to tradition, on 21 April 753BC.