› added 8 years ago


TIL A man who survived 5 concentration camps convinced Hasbro to start producing Transformers, also holds over 100 other patents, the best-known of which gave him the exclusive right in the United States to detect and display hole cards in poker games.

Z87Pp TIL during a coup attempt in 1972, four Moroccan pilots intercepted a Boeing 727 carrying the Moroccan King and fired on it. The King (himself a pilot), grabbed the radio and told the rebel pilots, “Stop firing! The tyrant is dead!” Fooled, the rebels broke off their attack and the coup failed.
5VP19 TIL: The image where the tongue folds the tip backwards and goes all the way into the nasal passage way is real- its name: Khechari Mudra.
nKoB TIL an experiment gave mice a utopia with social roles to all, no predators and unlimited food. After population boomed reproduction gradually stopped, they became aggressive, isolated themselves and total breakdown in social structures led extinction. Researchers compared it to trends in mankind.
9gQp TIL of Helga Estby, who walked across America in 1896 to win $10,000 to save her family’s farm. When she arrived in NYC, the sponsor refused to pay out. She returned to her home to find that two of her children had died during her trip. She then lost the home.
R7yKj TIL that Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa ("red beard") drowned on the way to the Third Crusade. His son wanted to bury him in Jerusalem, but didn't succeed in preserving the body in vinegar. Hence, his flesh was buried in Antioch, his bones in Tyre, and his heart and inner organs in Tarsus