› added 9 years ago


TIL MTV banned Beavis and Butthead from referencing fire, specifically Beavis’ “Fire” chant, after an arson was blamed on the show. In response, the show had Beavis chant words similar to fire such as fryer. The ban was lifted for the revival and Beavis says fire 7 times in the first video segment.

WaMo TIL that rap battles existed long before. “Flyting” was an insult battle practiced even in Medieval England’s courts.
rRK71 TIL Queen Victoria was raised under a strict system called the Kensington System,created by her mother and Sir John Conroy.Her first two requests, upon her accession, were that she should be allowed an hour by herself,and that her bed should be removed from her mother's room. She also banned Conroy.
VQ9Z TIL “Smith” is a common last name because those of the occupation were needed to build weapons/armor for war and could not serve, so they lived through wars.
ak6Z TIL In 1575, a German mass murderer nicknamed Puschpeter is reported to have kept his wits after being impaled. The stake hit his spine and he berated the executioner. Puschpeter commanded the executioner to draw the stake out of him and gave instructions for how to make the impalement properly.
gr9y4 TIL about George de Hebesy who dissolved the gold Nobel Prizes of German physicists in aqua regia to prevent the Nazis from taking them. After the war, he found the solution undisturbed and reconstituted the gold. The Nobel Foundation then recast the medals and presented them back to the winners.