› added 7 years ago


TIL that Bubbles the Chimp (who once was famously Michael Jackson’s pet) is alive and well, living in a Florida sanctuary for retired apes - and that he HATES cameras these days

mx1dE If it’s a particularly contagious virus, it would spread across the planet in a year. “If it starts in New York, it’s going to be in London certainly within a week,” says Ira Longini, a biostatistician at the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle who uses computer models to analyze how viruses globe-trot. “And from there, it will quickly travel to the rest of North America and Europe.” For Longini’s computer forecasts to become reality, though, certain conditions would need to be met.
gbmA TIL that Mr. T’s wearing of gold chains and other jewelry was a result of customers losing or leaving them after a fight at the club where he worked as a bouncer. He would stand out front wearing the items in case people who was kicked out came looking for them. He was a living lost and found
jNxYn TIL that the actor who played Immortan Joe - the main antagonist in Mad Max: Fury Road - also played Toecutter, the main antagonist in the original Mad Max movie.
6Zd8 TIL that from the 8th to the 18th century, Arab scientists experimented with marijuana for medicinal purposes and were well aware of its benefits
W9mY TIL that after the French Revolution, France used a simplified decimal time and calendar system for 13 years which had 10 hours a day, 100 minutes per hour, and 100 seconds per minute.