› added 2 years ago


TIL that during the 1976 British drought, standpipes were installed on streets of many districts which dispensed water. Each standpipe became a watering hole for 20 households when mains water supply was cut off. During this time, the slogan “Save Water, Bath with a Friend” became very popular.

v14yj TIL that due to poaching, female African elephants are evolving tuskless; about 1/3 of females in a Mozambique Nat'l Park were born tuskless with males evolving smaller tusks. They use tusks to compete for mating, dig for water and topple trees for food which in turn creates habitats and water holes
w89W TIL that Al Gore’s documentary, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, was held by the British High Court to have nine errors in it, and cannot be shown in schools unless teachers point out the potentially problematic sections.
1mBP TIL that 46 years ago today, a NYPD Officer was shot in the face during a drug raid and the officers officers with him refused to make the call to the dispatcher indicating an officer was shot
0bJM TIL A woman (registered nurse) was watching the show “Flip or Flop” on HGTV and noticed a lump on hosts neck. Emailed production company to make them aware and host ended up having thyroid cancer and didn’t know.
0bjL TIL Stanley Williams, co-founder and leader of the Crips, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2001, after writing several children’s books urging kids ‘not to make the same mistakes he did’. He was executed in 2005 on charges of quadruple homicide.