› added 2 years ago


TIL that the character Koba from Planet of the Apes (2010s) is named after Joseph Stalin, who also used "Koba" as his nickname. The name originally comes from a character in a Georgian book called The Patricide, which inspired Stalin.

ANGxg TIL Robert Wadlow weighed an unremarkable 8.7 lb when he was born, however by the age of 5, he was 5'4" & wearing clothes meant for teenagers. He reached the 6' mark as a 8-year-old & was over 6'6" at 11 years old. He'd eventually reach his record height of 8'11.1" before dying at the age of 22.
49pX TIL when “Star Wars: Holiday Special” writer Vilanch warned Lucas about building a story around characters who don’t speak, he was met with a “glacial” look. With Lucas’s attention elsewhere, the show became an abomination and he would later regret not exercising a tighter grip over the production.
pYRYA TIL about the Muammar Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights, which was created by the eponymous dictator to “bestow tribute upon symbolic figures of struggle and faith in the values of freedom to all humans”. The first recipient was Nelson Mandela.
7VK7 TIL that the reason spicy food gets spicier after freezing and reheating is because capsaicin (spice chemical) is stored in fats, which don’t evaporate during reheating like the water in a food so there is a higher percentage of the spice than in the food before, causing it to be spicier
6JnQ TIL in 1972, Col. John Ripley under intense unrelenting enemy fire, dangled for 3 hours under the Dong Ha bridge in order to attach 500 pounds of explosives to the span, ultimately obliterating it. His action, under enemy fire, thwarted an onslaught by 20,000 troops