› added 2 years ago


TIL about Louis Remme, who rode on horseback nonstop from Sacramento to Portland in 1855, racing against the ship-borne news of a bank run that would prevent him from withdrawing his own money.

e0Dp5 TIL That Presidential candidate Andrew Jackson was the first Democrat ever to be associated with the donkey symbol. His opponents during the election of 1828 tried to label him a "jackass" for his populist beliefs. Jackson was entertained by the notion and ended up using it on his campaign posters.
P1A9Z TIL A breakthrough in kidney stone treatment will allow them to be expelled without invasive surgery, using a handheld device. NASA has been funding the technology for 10 years, and it's one of the last significant issues in greenlighting human travel to Mars.
OGgZ6 TIL In 2018, the president of Turkmenistan ordered the impounding of all dark-colored vehicles in the capital, and the car owners were told they must pay to have them repainted silver or white, because the-then president loved the color white & considered it to be lucky.
oegY TIL When Miles Davis bought a Ferrari, his lawyer called the local police department to tell them its color, so that Davis would not have to deal with the misconception that as a black man, he had stolen the car.
nWB89 TIL that commercial airline pilots wear uniforms resembling naval officers because Pan Am established this tradition with its fleet of flying boats. To align with the nautical nature, they adopted naval-style uniforms, a practice continued today