› added 1 week ago


TIL about the Book of Enoch, three non-canonical books of Jewish and Christian scripture that are estimated to date around 300 BCE. It apparently explained the origins of fallen angels, demons, and the Nephilim. It is only considered canon by Haymanot Jews and two Orthodox Tewahedo Churches.

x64Mw TIL that more automobiles are made in Canada that are made in Italy. Based on worldwide production, 1.7% of the cars are made in Canada and only 0.9% in Italy. Of the 93.5 M cars produced, the three largest producing countries were China at 32.3%, the USA 11.3% and Japan 9.6%.
5YgAk TIL about popsicles that don’t melt. After the 2011 tsunami, scientists helping strawberry farmers in Japan salvage damaged crops accidentally discovered that liquid polyphenol extracted from the berries caused cream to solidify. This lead to Kanazawa Ice pops, which can stay frozen up to an hour.
6Nr8 TIL Yul Brynner had a TV ad after he died: “Now that I’m gone, I tell you: Don’t smoke. Whatever you do, just don’t smoke”
b9PD9 TIL about the untold story behind Harrison Ford's deleted cameo in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Spielberg cut the scene as it didn’t add much, and Ford’s presence seemed more of a distraction. It now only exists as a blurry YouTube video and in fragments on making-of featurettes
eR1D TIL that the Greek mathematician Pythagoras created his own cult which forbid the consuming or touching beans, and according to legend died when being chased by assassins and refusing to escape through a bean field.