› added 1 year ago


TIL Sir Edward Kelley, an English alchemist, and John Dee, an English Mathematician and advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, exchanged wives because of a conversation they claim to have had with angels

xVexb TIL that at age 35, Harrison Ford fitting a door for Francis Ford Coppola when a studio executive, testing actresses for new film, asked him to help out by reading the lines written for the male lead. The film was "Star Wars".
wL4A1 TIL That the Danish city Aarhus changed its name to Århus in 1948 because it was thought to be progressive. In 2010 it was changed back to Aarhus to strengthen the international profile of the city.
R7J5Q TIL American author Washington Irving lied when he said Christopher Columbus sailed the world in a bid to prove it wasn't flat. The truth is that 'Flat Earth' has not been a mainstream theory since at least 600 B.C. In the 1400s, almost everybody would have known the Earth was round.
4k8aJ TIL that titular typing tutor of 80s PC program "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing" was the creation of one of the software developers, who sought to present a "friendly face" for a generation of very new and very wary computer users. Mavis was inspired by a Haitian-born woman named Renee L’Esperance.
Lk1V0 TIL — Pommer’s Law, one of the "Laws" of the Internet, states: “A person's mind can be changed by reading information on the internet. The nature of this change will be from having no opinion to having a wrong opinion.”