› added 4 months ago


TIL Salmon sperm DNA is used in molecular biology experiments as a standard or template for PCR and as a competitor in hybridisation assays due to its high purity. It can even increase the human DNA recovered from a cotton swab.

awVEJ TIL that Michelangelo's painting "The Last Judgment" features naked men kissing one another and one man being dragged to hell by his testicles. Scholars believe the homoerotic figures were inspired by male prostitutes in baths and brothels that Michelangelo frequented in 16th century Rome.
e00B4 TIL there are 96 bags of astronaut poop, pee and puke on the moon. They were left behind to make room for bringing moon rocks back to earth. Theres also 12 Hasselblad cameras, a gold plated telescope, used wet wipes, space food wrappers, golf balls, 70 other space craft, and 12 pairs of boots there.
gMePD TIL saving data to an SSD, RAM, flash memory, etc. increases its weight by an extremely small amount. One calculation states that 1GB of flash memory completely filled with 1s weighs something like 729 femtograms more than the same memory filled with zeros.
epBaE TIL while in Harvard University, Dale Maple was removed from the German Club for singing the "Horst-Wessel-Lied" and was dismissed from ROTC for praising dictatorship. During WW2, he helped German POWs to escape, was sentenced to hang and was commuted to 10 years
OoZD6 TIL About the "Hand in the Trunk" incident - Journalists tailed a car with human hand sticking out