› added 1 year ago


TIL the Liberty class cargo ship was mass produced by the United States to help win WWII. Made with antiquated, but easily manufactured technology they were built in record time. Of the 2710 ships made, only my 4 remain. Three are museums, while the fourth is a land locked canning facility.

X8V8 TIL In 27 AD a wooden amphitheater collapsed in the ancient town of Fidenae which resulted in the death of 20000-50000 spectators. The Roman senate responded to this by raising building standards and banishing the creator of the theater, Atilius.
r0RW TIL in response to rising chlamydia rates in Norway, a sex education charity hired a 19-yo student to wear a giant penis costume and squirt people with golden confetti - “If I can do a good thing for others, just by being a dick, there is nothing better…”
v1JG8 TIL not everyone is born with the innate ability to internally plug their nose by “flexing” their soft palete. However it appears as though it can (easily?) be learned.
XElrr TIL, in 1970s, South Korea introduced the Minor Offenses Act that mandated limits on men's hair length and women's miniskirt length. Men with long hair were taken to a police station to have their hair cut against their will. Arrested women were forced to wear a 'modest' costume in police station.
ZpMKD TIL the Toraja people of Indonesia perform "Ma'nene", an annual ritual where the embalmed corpses of family members are removed from their tombs, groomed, dressed in new clothing, and treated as though they are still among the living. Torajans refer to the deceased as "sick", and only bury years on.