› added 1 year ago


TIL Hiram Bingham wasn’t the first to rediscover Machu Picchu. Peruvian farmer and explorer Agustín Lizárraga had arrived 9 yrs earlier, leaving an inscription "A. Lizárraga 1902." Sadly, he died one year after Bingham’s arrival, and his inscription was erased by Bingham for "preservation reasons."

Ypbyx TIL of Tio de Nadal; a Catalonian Christmas song about beating a log partly in a fireplace with a stick in hopes it would literally poop out gifts.
xyVg TIL the cost of the International Space Station is funded by the USA 81%, Russia 8%, Europe 3%, Japan 3%, and Canada 1%.
6RkW TIL That Nazi Hermann Goering said: “The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
PYGaE TIL the Spanish Inquisition was devoid of its own budget, meaning it depended exclusively on the confiscation of the goods of the denounced. Due to this organization and possibility of abuse, someone wrote a letter to the king saying of the inquisitors "if they do not burn they do not eat".
neOjY TIL there were 53 extras in the 1993 film Philadelphia with AIDS or were HIV positive, and 43 of them had died by the end of 1994. During his Golden Globe acceptance speech for Best Actor, Tom Hanks paid tribute to the courage and humanity of one extra named Mark Sorensen.