› added 2 years ago


TIL The Wright Brothers only flew together on the same flight one time, a six-minute flight on May 25th, 1910. They promised their father, Milton, they would never fly together to avoid the chance of a double tragedy and to ensure one brother would remain to continue their flight experiments.

y1LM TIL one of the adversities that the Napoleonic army faced in Russia was the fact that the buttons of their uniforms may have turned to dust. Tin was the major metal used to make buttons and the bonding structure of tin atoms begins to change when temperatures drop below 13°C
8a65Z TIL A poll found that only two thirds of Americans aged 18 to 24 believed the world was round. This is partly due to a shift towards populism and distrust in the views of experts and mainstream media.
aw9JL TIL that crows can and do hold grudges. Researchers in a specific mask trapped 7 crows, resulting in the entire flock harassing anyone in this mask for years, even when disguised with a hat. This means the crows recognized the face and also communicated the grudge to crows who had not seen it.
OoEpR TIL Amy Schumer changed her newborn's name to Gene David Fischer after realizing that she named him genital fissure (Gene Attell Fischer)
N74ye TIL that Carl C. Brigham, a eugenist, used an intelligence test to determine the intellect of recruits for WW1. He concluded that the mixing of races is what was leading to the downfall of American education. He later adapted the test for higher education and it is now known as the SAT.