› added 10 months ago


TIL six inmates on a work detail in Georgia saved an unconscious deputy sheriff. Instead of escaping with his gun and the work truck, they dialed 911 on the deputy's phone instead. As appreciation, the sheriff's department threw a pizza party with homemade sweets for the men.

ALMd TIL Raul “Mike” Vargas survived over 90min inside the Station Nightclub fire. While trying to escape he fell and was buried under a 5ft tall pile of bodies. The bodies helped insulate him from the fire and he ended up walking out with only a few burns on his legs
R7aPw TIL Producer Ralph Bakshi pitched "Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures" to CBS by claiming that he owned the rights to Mighty Mouse. CBS actually already owned the rights for 32 years and forgotten about it. CBS purchased the show from Bakshi.
PYg8E TIL that one of the creators, writers, and producers of such U.S. popular TV shows as "Frasier", "Wings", and "Cheers" died on Sept. 11, 2001, David Angell was returning from vacation on American Airlines Flight 11 when it crashed into the World Trade Center's north tower.
GYlp7 TIL cockroach farms grow billions of hem to be used in China to eat kitchen waste. After six months of their lifespan they are washed and dried to be sold for cattle feed or their essence to be extracted for medicinal purposes (curing oral and peptic ulcers, skin wounds and even stomach cancer)
9bkm TIL there is no such thing as a true one-way mirror; they are equally as reflective on each side, but one room is kept much darker than the other room, thus preventing the lighter room from seeing through it.