› added 7 years ago


TIL when an Israeli day care began fining parents for picking up children late, the number of late pickups went up. Economists believe that parents had previously been motivated to be on time by a sense of guilt, and the guilt went away when it was replaced by a fine that most of them could afford.

1a6Y8 TIL actress Kate Mara is the great-granddaughter of both Tim Mara (founder of the NY Giants) and Art Rooney (founder of the Pittsburgh Steelers). Her acting contracts have a clause stating that if any of these teams make it to the Super Bowl, she will attend the game before work.
OGG06 TIL that in 2017 scientists at U of Bonn found that the same wine tastes better when labelled with a higher price tag, a phenomenon known as the “marketing placebo effect.” Participants were given two samples, one €6 and one €18. Most rated the latter higher though they were from the same bottle.
8eG1Z TIL that since the introduction of basketball ball to the Olympics, the US has won 80% of men's gold medals. The only year they didn't win any medal was the boycotted 1980 Moscow Olympics
Me4mB TIL of Fish Odor Syndrome (Trimethylaminuria) - A condition in which a patient emits a foul odor, which resembles that of rotting fish. The disorder is caused by an inherited deficiency in a vital enzyme for the metabolism of trimethylamine, which is the compound responsible for the unpleasant odor.
d8OgQ TIL The Snow in the Blizzard of 1949 was So Hard and So Deep they Used Dynamite to Blast the Trains Free