› added 11 years ago


TIL a Centurion tank survived a nuclear bomb test. It was still driveable. It was nicknamed “The Atomic Tank” and went on for 23 years of service.

0VK1 TIL that the first episode of ‘The Crocodile Hunter’ featured Steve Irwin and his wife, Terry, trapping and handling crocodiles on their honeymoon.
PYv0w TIL that a war in Ancient Egypt broke out when a king called Apophis sent a strongly worded letter to Pharaoh Seqenenre complaining about the snoring of some hippos in a sacred lake in Thebes.
RmL1 TIL in 1940 the incredible Antarctic Snow Cruiser was a behemoth vehicle designed to assist Adm. Perry’s Antarctic exploration but was a colossal failure as it could not operate in the snow. It was abandoned and its whereabouts is unknown.
R7R9w Let’s say you’re doing 100 mph in a car and suddenly a downed tree, stopped the car, or person appears in the road up ahead and you need to slam on the brakes. How much more dangerous is that situation than when you’re doing 70 mph? Your intuition might tell you that 100 mph is only 30% more than 70 mph. But as this video shows, the important factor in stopping a car (or what happens to the car when it collides with something else) does not speed but energy, which increases at the square of speed. In other words, going from 70 mph to 100 mph more than doubles your energy…and going from 55 to 100 more than triples it.
jPwj TIL that sales of vinyl records have increased since 1993 and continue to increase.