› added 7 years ago


TIL that theoretical physicist Max Planck was told not to get into the field by his physics professor because “in this field, almost everything is already discovered.” He did so anyway and originated Quantum Theory which revolutionized the field.

e06wJ TIL that in 1997, a poacher wounded a tiger and stole part of its kill. The tiger found the poacher's cabin, destroyed his belongings, waited at least half a day for him to return, then killed and ate him.
mxBLo TIL Robin Williams funded a scholarship at his alma mater, Juilliard, that saw a full-ride given to a student every two years. One of the people who won the award was future Oscar winner Jessica Chastain, who became the first person from her family to go to college
jNxRv TIL that in 2000, a pregnant woman in Mexico experienced delivery complications. Her solution was to drink three glasses of hard liquor and then give herself a Caesarean section with a kitchen knife. The mother and child both lived. She had no medical training.
wLjeW TIL on 22nd January 1943, the temperature at Spearfish (South Dakota) rose 27°C in just 2 minutes from -20°C to 7°C, then plummeted back from 12°C to -20 °C over a 27 minute period causing windows to crack
b9Ra9 TIL: The Rank of Admiral of the Navy is the highest possible rank in the United States Navy. The rank is equated to that of a six-star admiral and is one of the two highest possible military ranks in the United States Armed Forces. It has only been awarded once, to George Dewey in March 24, 1903.