› added 10 years ago


TIL in 1987 a Chicago tv station had its broadcast interrupted by a pirate signal that showed a man in mask being spanked with a fly swatter. Despite investigations by the FCC and FBI, this became the only known incident in which a hacker interrupted a major tv broadcast without getting caught

lLrK TIL building a time machine is believed to be scientifically possible but requires building a gigantic particle accelerator in space, stabilizing space-time foam, plucking out a wormhole, enlarging it and connecting it a gravitational field.
pYwjN TIL when it was discovered in 1963 that the Winchester manuscript of Le Morte d'Arthur was indeed Thomas Malory's, John Steinbeck caught wind of it and decided to translate it into modern English. Ultimately he abandoned the project, but what remained was published after his death.
YODP TIL Gerald Ford is the only person to serve as both president and VP of the United States who was never elected to either office
1aDVX TIL despite working with an annual budget of only CAD 67M (US $48M), the National Film Board of Canada is among the most highly awarded film studios in the world. It produced over 3000 films, won over 5000 awards & has been nominated for 74 Oscars, more than any film organization outside Hollywood.
Lgl9 TIL Nikola Tesla was in favor of sterilising criminals and mentally unstable and believed that by 2100 no one who is not a desirable parent should be permitted to produce progeny