› added 8 years ago


TIL that when the Duke of Wellington attended a party in Vienna, some French officers turned away from the conqueror of Napoleon. When a woman apologized for their rudeness, Wellington replied “I have seen their backs before, madam.”

4JNR TIL that Cambridge University conducted a test in which pigs were shown a mirror and encouraged to retrieve objects reflected in the mirror. The test results suggest that pigs can differentiate between reality and the reflected image, thus demonstrating a high level of cognitive awareness.
KOnOB TIL that comedian Pete Davidson’s father, Scott Davidson, was a New York firefighter who died on September 11th, 2001 when entering the World Trade Center towers. He was last seen entering the ground floor of the WTC Marriott to help victims who had been trapped by the first crash.
yVl1X TIL during the two decades that the famous advertising campaign 'Got Milk?' ran, it reached an estimated 80% of all US consumers on any given day. By the end of the campaign, around 350 national TV and print ads had been used including 70 commercials in California alone.
dxx7 TIL the book “And Then There Were None” was first released with the title “Ten Little Niggers” in 1939
d7Pd TIL that Stephen King’s drug and alcohol addiction was so bad that he can barely remember writing Cujo. King’s family staged an intervention, showing him evidence taken from his office including beer cans, cigarette butts, grams of cocaine, Xanax, Valium, NyQuil, dextromethorphan and marijuana.