› added 6 years ago


TIL Dennis Hastert, former Republican Speaker of the House from 1999-2007 became the highest ranking US politician to go to prison. He had molested an unconfirmed number of boys (at least 4) and was indicted and plead guilty on charges of silencing a victim with hush money. He served 12 months.

DV4e TIL a man named Robert Wiggen, who spent 3 years in prison, started a website that posts mug shots taken from police department websites and makes them easily searchable on sites like Google and then charges money to have the images removed. His own mug shot is absent from the site.
Oo917 TIL the Asian golden cat is a medium-sized feline native to SE Asia. The most conspicuous features of this cat are the distinctive off-white markings on the crown, face and cheeks, and its roundish ears and long tail. Little information is available on its behavior, range and population in the wild.
epllJ TIL there were ticket scalpers for gladiator fights in Ancient Rome. Gladiators like Hermes were known to draw the largest crowds and brought in high profits for scalpers due to demand
4X7NN TIL of Henry the Young King, son to Henry II of England, who was crowned co-king in 1170, theoretically to rule in association with his father, and again in 1172. Although the Young King received no share of his father’s power, he was called Henry III by contemporaries and certain later chroniclers.
e0QBk TIL that academic achievement and cognitive ability have been shown to predict later age of first sexual intercourse