› added 3 years ago


TIL octopuses have 2/3 of their neurons in their tentacles; the mother dies almost immediately after the eggs are hatched, due to exhaustion; their blood is copper based which makes it blue; they can change the color of their skin, & also texture; they can watch and learn; evolved from snails.

JYGY8 TIL Why blueprints are blue. In the mid 1800's, a photo chemical process was developed that enabled copying documents. The blueprinting process deposits blue ferric ferrocyanide in areas that were blank in the original document. Thus, the copy consists of white lines on a blue background.
Q7LX TIL the KKK was denied the permit to Sponsor a segment of Interstate 55 in Missouri; when the federal court declared it unconstituional and the KKK was given the sponsorship the Missouri Legislature renamed the segment “Rosa Parks Highway”
loYGB TIL Nintendo's shares skyrocketed when "Pokemon Go" was released in 2016, until investors realized they didn't actually make the game. Stock dropped 17 percent at one point, representing about $6.4 billion in value.
OGZ54 TIL about an ancient African tradition where a murderer was punished by an assassin running into him with a spear which had meat on it. The murderer kept his mouth open. The murder victim's family decides if the murderer is killed by the spear or fed the meat (forgiven)
OokYa TIL in September 2010, California passed the Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution bill, creating the first day in U.S. history to be named after an Asian American.