› added 4 years ago


TIL the Comoro blue vanga (Cyanolanius madagascarinus comorensis) is considered a subspecies of the blue vanga by ornithologists. It is found only on the Comoros Islands and is recognized by it exceptionally vivid blue bill, head and back and snow-white throat and under parts. (see pic in comments)

VBAgp TIL: Antilia is one of the most expensive private residences in the world, costing over $1 billion. The billionaire had his entire family live in the 27 story home which requires 600 servants and has 168 car garage, 9 elevators, a theatre, pool, ballroom, and snow room. It was built on an orphanage.
YpxZZ TIL about Stella, a dog who communicates with her owners using a sound board preprogrammed with her favourite words. Recently her “beach” button broke, so she instead used the buttons for “water” “outside” and “help” to communicate that she wanted to press the beach button and couldn’t.
R5ll6 TIL that the term "Honey Moon" comes from drinking fermented honey for a lunar cycle to improve fertility after getting married. It should have been called "Mead and Breed".
6EEww TIL there is a 50 square mile "Zone of Death" in Yellowstone National Park that people can get away with murdering due to a legal loophole
V6m4 TIL In 2010 motorcyclist Anthony Graber was arrested under Maryland’s wiretapping law for recording a traffic stop and posting it to YouTube. Charges were later dismissed in court because “a police officer on a traffic stop has no legal expectation of privacy”