› added 5 years ago


TIL Michael Jackson’s will dictates that his estate annually donate 20% of his posthumous earnings to various charities.

rm11 TIL that the filming of The Godfather was disrupted by actual Mafia member Joe Colombo. Producer Al Ruddy met with him and reviewed the script, striking the word “Mafia” completely from the movie. Colombo and his pals also managed to elbow their way into casting and ended up as extras in the film.
l79o5 TIL - Disney once sued three day care centers in Florida for unauthorized use of their characters (5 foot high likenesses on murals on the buildings) who had to remove them. Universal in turn let the centers use Scooby Doo, Flintstones & other of their Hanna-Barbera characters.
E1yP0 TIL Beekeeping has been going for thousands of years and it was wide spread in the Levant regions by 1500 BCE. The practice was so important for the local economies that in the Hittite laws the penalties for stealing a swam of bees or empty hive was about the same as the fine for stealing a sheep.
WkX7Y TIL Florida man Arnold Abbott had been feeding street people at a beach weekly from 1991 till he died age 94 in 2019; he refused to stop even when a FL law limiting public food sharing came out in 2014. FLPD showed up when Abbot was passing out food; an officer demanded: "Drop that plate right now."
mYex TIL that in 2005, PETA was putting shelter bound animals to sleep in their van before throwing them in the dumpster. Their response was that the animals they killed were “unadoptable” however most of them never even got the chance.