› added 4 years ago


TIL a Japanese teenager, Yaoya Oshichi, was tried for attempted arson in 1682. She did this because she wanted to reunite with a temple worker she met at another fire. They tried to try her as a minor, but she didn't pick up on the judge's hints to lie about her age. She was burned at the stake.

oRbE TIL that Donald Rumsfeld ordered a study in 2004 on the cause of terrorism. The findings: “Muslims do not ‘hate our freedom,’ but rather, they hate our policies… specifically American direct intervention in the Muslim world and support for Islamic tyrannies in places like Egypt and Saudi Arabia.”
pWeA TIL that a Kenyan lawyer is trying to get the International Court of Justice to overturn the conviction and execution of Jesus Christ, and to have Italy and Israel held responsible for it on the grounds that they both incorporate Roman Law in their legal systems.
eK14 TIL judges will almost never instruct the jury that they are free to disregard the law; but if the jury disregards the law on its own initiative, then the verdict stands.
N7Byb TIL a man was hit by a Metro train going 70mph and his flying body parts injured a woman. She sued his estate on the theory that “If you do something as stupid as this guy did, you have to be responsible for what comes from it“
AXR7 TIL In the movie Maleficent, Angelina Jolie’s daughter was cast because other kids were afraid of her look and she was the only one who wasn’t afraid of her mom.