› added 4 years ago


TIL that the first Apple logo isn’t what you would think. Originally, it featured Sir Isaac Newton sitting beneath a tree, with an apple about to fall on his head. which read “Newton…A mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought…alone”.

LQo10 TIL of The Lainz Angels of Death. Four women who were nurse’s aides convicted of murdering 49 patients with overdoses of morphine or by forcing water into their lungs between 1983 and 1989. They were caught only after bragging about their latest murder in a local tavern. By 2008 all four are free.
PYy7Z TIL of "Number 16," the oldest known spider. She was a wild trapdoor spider who lived in an Australian burrow. She was studied by researchers from 1973 until 2016, when her burrow was found damaged and empty, likely due to a parasitic wasp attack. She was 43 years old.
rbQ1 TIL that the largest cavalry charge in history occurred during the Turkish siege of Vienna. Spearheaded by 3000 winged knights, 20,000 Polish and German cavalrymen charged and routed the Ottoman line and decisively ended the Ottoman threat to christian Europe.
lWPB TIL that scientists at UC Berkeley were able to take atomic-scale pictures of a molecule before and after a chemical reaction. The images looked EXACTLY like the classic molecular structure diagrams shown in text books.
GKV1 TIL that the Dance Fever of 1518 was a month-long plague of inexplicable dancing in Strasbourg, in which hundreds of people danced for about a month for no apparent reason. Several of them danced themselves to death.