› added 5 years ago


TIL that it's possible for a human to dissolve in Yellowstone's hot springs. On June 7, 2016, Colin Scott slipped and tumbled into the acidic boiling waters of the Norris Geyser while looking for a hot spot to soak in. Scott had illegally ventured off the boardwalk and within 24hrs he dissolved.

1M1V TIL Oil-Dri was, a product invented for cleaning up oil spills on the garage floor it was not until a cat pissed in a bucket of Oil-Dri that they realized another use for it, cat litter. That is how Cat’s Pride became the first cat litter.
9Y57B TIL that the main purpose of an extractor fan in a bathroom is to remove moisture rather than get rid of the poop smell
0wYgv TIL in an Aalto University study, participants were shown the movie Memento while making use of fMRI technology to see how the brain remembers and interprets events from clues. Unprecedented in the setup was that the subjects freely viewed the featured film in its entirety in the brain scanner.
BDLD TIL when Mary, Queen of Scots, was beheaded, the first blow missed her neck and struck the back of her head. The second blow severed the neck, except for a bit of sinew which was cut by hand. When the executioner held her head aloft, the hair turned out to be a wig and the head fell to the ground.
LNJv TIL that a serial killer from the ‘70’s, in the midst of his spree got on to “The Dating Game” and won, dispite the fact he was already a registered sex offender. The bachelorette refused to go on a date with him, she found him “Creepy.”