› added 6 years ago


TIL jewish applicants to the math department of Moscow State University were given select problems. These were designed to prevent them and other “undesirables” from getting a passing grade

E1aEo TIL that the cottage where Ulysses Grant finished his memoirs is now an historic monument and is kept how it was when he died. On his desk is a large bottle of liquid cocaine. Park rangers check it annually to make sure it is all there.
Z4kD TIL of James Fallon, a neuroscientist who studies serial killers, discovered a gene making someone pre-disposed to being a serial killer, then discovered that his brain is mapped very similarly to serial killers, he has the gene, and is descended from a long line of serial killers
1ago7 TIL Stethoscope was invented when a 'gentleman' French doctor got too embarrassed to check the heartbeat of a female patient by tapping at her chest. So, he rolled up a sheet of paper to create a tube, and then placed it on her chest. The method worked, and stethoscope was invented.
Meop8 TIL about the Chloe Cooley incident, in which a young black woman was seen being forced into a boat to be sold in 1793. This incident was observed by several witnesses, who then petitioned the Executive Council of Upper Canada, which eventually led to the passage of the Act Against Slavery, 1793.
698KX TIL Parrots can live 40-60 Years, I noticed this after coming back to my childhood home and seeing the same two green parrots in and old neighbor's backyard (i haven't been back in 15 years)