› added 5 years ago


TIL Mr. Rogers was bullied as a child for being fat. "We're gonna get you, Fat Freddy!", the bullies would shout. “I used to cry to myself when I was alone,” Rogers said. “And I would cry through my fingers and make up songs on the piano.”

wkwP TIL in 1924, children playing on the banks of a river in Germany discovered a human skull. More bones were discovered, eventually leading to the arrest of Fritz Haarman, who was butchering humans and selling their flesh as pork.
VBE4m TIL that mathematician Mike Keith wrote a 10,000-word book (consisting of short stories, poetry, puzzles) in which the number of letters in successive words encodes the first 10,000 digits of pi.
E1dpo TIL if your dog stares at you while they poo, they probably think of you as their mommy. this is bc dogs maintain an exposed position while relieving themselves. eye contact w/ someone they view as a protector makes them feel safe -especially at a time when they’re most vulnerable.
x6yAw TIL there is a little known statistic in American football called an “octopus”. Players can record an octopus by scoring a touchdown, followed by scoring a 2-pt conversion after that same touchdown.
1jL7 TIL In 1952 a double-decker bus was crossing London’s Tower Bridge when the process to close the gates failed. Driver Albert Gunter made a split-second decision to accelerate the bus, clearing a six-foot drop onto the other side. The passengers received only minor injuries and Gunter won a £10 bonus