› added 6 years ago


TIL that near the turn of the 20th century, the German Empire had drawn up war plans against the United States. Included were a naval blockade and land invasion.

R69j TIL that as part of the contract for appearing on Shark Tank, if you mention the name of any company you own then Shark Tank automatically owns 5% of that company or gets 2% of the lifetime profits. This is true whether the Sharks make a deal with that person or not, and prevents free advertising.
grZ8A TIL that Ritalin, a drug used to treat ADHD, is named after Margarita, the wife of the chemist who first synthesized the active ingredient Methylphenidate in 1944. She tried it herself and was pleased to find that it improved her performance when she played tennis.
4kvj5 TIL in 1609, Manhattan supported more ecological diversity per acre than Yellowstone National Park. Research suggests that had Manhattan never been developed, it would be one of the most important national parks
vx4x TIL a parisian gastronomist invented the “rôti sans pareil”, a warbler, stuffed inside a bunting, inside a lark, inside a thrush, inside a quail…lapwing, plover, partridge, woodcock, teal, guinea fowl, duck, chicken, pheasant, goose, turkey, bustard. A 17-bird stuffed meal.
jNBKa TIL Edith Fore, of "I've fallen and can't get up!" fame, began making commercials after actually falling, hitting her head, and, activating her medic alert. When Life Call responded, she gave her famous response. Life Call later selected Mrs. Fore to appear in commercials giving her testimonial.