› added 11 years ago


TIL that Guillermo del Toro left years of notes for a film in the back of a cab, he thought it was the end of the project. However, the cab driver found them and, realizing their importance, tracked him down and returned them. It made Del Toro ever more determined to complete “Pan’s Labyrinth”.

M7VQB TIL The word "white" in the name "white rhinoceros" is often said to be a misinterpretation of the Afrikaans word wyd (Dutch wijd) meaning wide, referring to its square upper lip, as opposed to the pointed or hooked lip of the black rhinoceros.
XEkrj TIL that when Diogenes, the ancient Greek philosopher, noticed a prostitute's son throwing rocks at a crowd, he said, "Careful, son. Don't hit your father."
Z8DLG TIL a school suspended 9-year-old boy for pretending to be Bilbo Baggins. He brought a toy ring and told a classmate that he would make him disappear. They considered the child's action to be a threat, under the premise that no threat would be tolerated, whether real or imagined
lo5P5 TIL in Scotland and Ireland, 29 February in a leap year is said to be the one day when a woman can propose to her partner. Finland has the same custom, with the addition that a man rejecting such a proposal was expected to buy his suitor enough cloth for a skirt as compensation.
Eg8Ox TIL about the Merci Train - a collection of 49 boxcars sent by France to the United States in response to humanitarian aid provided after World War II. Each state barring Alaska got their own, and 43 still survive today.