› added 8 years ago


TIL Voyager 1, the only man made object to leave the solar system, is carrying, amongst other records, a song called “Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The Ground”. This song is available to extraterrestrials, should they ever find it, but not available in India, Canada, or the UK on copyright grounds.

kORxm TIL - In June of 2017, the helmet worn by Rick Moranis as Dark Helmet in Spaceballs sold for $39K at a Hollywood memorabilia auction. Also sold at this auction, the light up dance floor from Saturday Night Fever ($1.2M) and R2-D2 from Star Wars ($2.76M)
wo6ZW TIL that President Nixon had an "Enemies List" targeting over 200 political opponents, activists, journalists, and celebrities, including Paul Newman, Jane Fonda, and John Lennon, with plans to use IRS audits and FBI surveillance against them. The list was exposed during the Watergate scandal.
6aDZ TIL Johnny Depp always travels with his Jack Sparrow costume so he can make surprise visits to kids in hospitals
X0aPQ TIL that NASA's Apollo 12 mission was struck by lightning twice during launch, 36.5 and 52 seconds after liftoff on Nov. 14, 1969. The mission continued successfully thanks to flight controller John Aaron's quick thinking—resetting a crucial system and allowing the crew to safely reach the moon.
KOk1Q TIL NBC's broadcast of Schindler's List was the first film to get a TV-M rating and was unedited. The broadcast was controversial, with a Republican congressman complaining "it was all-time low, with full-frontal nudity, violence and profanity and a insult to decent-minded individuals everywhere".