› added 7 years ago


TIL That Larry, the Chief Mouser of the Cabinet Office, has had his position fall under scrutiny due to both the competitive performances of the Chief Mouser of the Treasury (Gladstone) and the Chief Mouser of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (Palmerston), and his own “lack of killer instinct”.

bNAQ TIL Due to an error with PayPal, a man was credited with 92 trillion dollars making him briefly the richest man ever. For reference, all money owned by every person and country in the world only totals 199 trillion.
9ORM TIL On Valentines day Roman priests use to kill goats and take their skin, soak them in blood and go around streets slapping women and crops with them in order to make them fertile for the year
awvKo TIL Flexible glass is a 'legendary' lost invention. Inventor took a flexible glass bowl to Emperor Tiberius Caesar who tried to break it. It dented instead of shattering. Inventor repaired it with a small hammer. Tiberius had the inventor beheaded because it could undermine value of gold and silver.
R5LDQ TIL that the upon learning of JFK's death, the crew members of Air Force One removed four seats from the aircraft and a portion of the bulkhead in order to accommodate for JFK's casket as they simply refused to put the 'President's body in the cargo hold'.
b64Ya TIL Pol Pot was the deadliest dictator, he had killed around 25% of cambodias population ranking above Mao Zedong, stalin and hitler (hitler’s death toll being around 17% of germanys population)