› added 11 years ago


TIL That you can sing just about any Emily Dickinson poem to the tune of the Gilligan’s Island theme song.

49gw TIL In the mid 1800’s millions of American children learned in school that one taste of alcohol could lead to blindness, madness or death. And there was the possibility too, the children were told, of spontaneous combustion; just one drink of alcohol might cause their bodies to go up in flames.
GrGg TIL in 2012 a Pit Bull named Lilly pulled her unconscious owner from the path of an oncoming freight train. The driver said he saw the dog frantically pulling at the woman, not giving up even though the train didn’t stop in time. The dog saved the woman and survived impact injuries herself.
baZZ TIL the costume worn by Star Trek’s Seven of Nine had to be modified after an error was made measuring the original. The bad fit cut off the blood supply from her carotid artery, causing her to pass out twice and require medical intervention. The costume was modified to stop it from happening again.
wLMlP TIL Michelangelo depicted a perfect anatomical cross section of the human brain in the "God Creating Adam" painting, as well as the painting "The Separation of Light from Darkness," within God’s chest and throat, researchers have found a precise depiction of the human spinal cord and brain stem.
4y1R TIL an Austrian scientist created goggles that turned his vision completely upside down. Stumbling and tripping over everything at first, in just 5 days his brain completely adapted to the vision change and he saw everything as ‘normal.’