› added 1 year ago


TIL that chemical castration is not some permanent process that burns off an offender's gonads or their ability to function (and reoffend). It's just a medication they take to suppress their sex drive temporarily, and when they stop taking it, their sex drive comes back, and their organs are intact.

5yln TIL the whiptail lizard is an all female species, the males have gone completely extinct. They’re not hermaphroditic, the females actually lay, and hatch from unfertilized eggs
Zp8no TIL in the 2nd round of the 1977 Badminton World Championships, Flemming Delfs was disqualified for arriving too late to the court before the deciding game but his opponent Ray Stevens refused to accept victory on a walkover. Delfs won that match and later ended up winning the tournament.
LkgMv TIL, that the Key and Peele sketch East/West College Bowl sketch was inspired by 3xPro Bowl Jets tackle D’Brickashaw Ferguson, who would later appear on their third East/West Bowl sketch as himself.
DJbJ TIL in preparation for his role in Fury(2014) Shia LaBeouf joined the US National Guard, got a tattoo that says “Surrender to Jesus”, pulled a tooth out, cut his own face, didn’t bathe for 4 months and spent days watching horses die.
XKKQ TIL that a new radio telescope being built in Australia and South Africa will generate so much data about space that it will exceed global internet traffic by a large margin. An exabyte per day of raw data, which could be compressed to around 10 petabytes.