› added 9 months ago


TIL the Persians had ancient refrigerators called "yakhchals" to preserve the ice and keep it cold underground until the summer, the yakhchal also had a ventilation system that allowed the cold air to enter and the warm air to escape, keeping the temperature inside low.

keE TIL in Indiana and Tennessee, it is illegal for a man to have an erection in public
rRoOd TIL-In Florida it is illegal for any place that sells liquor to participate or permit any contest of dwarf-tossing. If convicted the establishment faces up to a 1000 USD fine and the suspension or revoking of their license. The law was put in place after the sport caught on in some bars down south.
Z8y6v TIL that the two largest pearls in the world were both found in Palawan, Philippines. The largest one weighs 75lbs and is said to be worth $100M. It was found by a fisherman, hid it under his bed and forgot about it for 10 years, the second is 14lbs and is known as the Pearl of Lao Tzu, worth $52M.
jNJQE TIL in Dunkirk, Hans Zimmer employed the Shepard Tone, an auditory illusion that seemingly ascend or descend in pitch, and sampled the ticking sound of Chris Nolan’s pocket watch, to intensify tension throughout the film.
ADxXo TIL of the Talheim Death Pit, a mass grave dating to 5000BC, containing the remains of 34 bodies, bearing some of the earliest evidence of habitual warfare, including fatal adze, axe and arrow wounds to the back of the head. It has been suggested that this site represents an early form of genocide.