› added 2 months ago


TIL why NHL Stadiums sound an air horn after a goal is scored. Thank Bill Wirtz, owner of both Chicago Stadium and the Blackhawks, who liked the sound of his air horn on his yacht, so he had one installed inside the stadium in 1973. His uncle's company made it, and most NHL horns come from them.

9L0p TIL that in 1947, the Los Angeles Examiner called the mother of the Black Dahlia murder victim to tell her that her daughter had won a beauty contest. Once they extracted as much information as possible, they revealed that her daughter had actually been found murdered.
9Yg1G TIL The Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust is a grain reserve of commodities and cash. In 2008 the USDA sold the remaining stocks into an all cash reserve. Since it no longer holds commodities, it can respond to local food crises outside the US, but not to a global one that affects the USA itself.
AN7Xw TIL the 4B movement of millennial South Korean women seeks to create an online and offline world devoid of men, with the women refusing to engage in heterosexual dating, marriage, or childbirth. It was founded in response to extreme harassment of women in Korean society
R5D6Q TIL About the four sons of Horus. Egyptian gods who protected organs in the afterlife.
X6DP TIL that Rin Tin Tin, a German shepherd that starred in many silent films, almost won the first Oscar for best actor but the Academy, “believed that this new idea of handing out these Oscars could possibly be damaged by the first Best Actor being a dog.”