› added 2 years ago


TIL that male cats may hump other male cats as a sign of dominance, and hump other things when they're stressed.

0wgXA TIL Ants manage large-scale infrastructure projects with no coordination at all. Each ant acts alone, solving problems such as removing obstructions as they are encountered. Research points to the simple, evolutionary energy-saving principle of: "If you do not need to communicate, don't!"
R7oQ1 TIL in 1941, Time Magazine planned to select the Disney character Dumbo as its Person of the Year, even designing a formal portrait for him and the title of "Mammal of the Year". This was until the Pearl Harbor attacks happened, forcing them to instead give the award to President Franklin Roosevelt.
low8r TIL that the magyars that raided the european continent were the Dark Age's version of the Zodiac Killer. They believed that whoever they killed in battle, he would serve them in the afterlife. An example is related to the legend of the Horn of Lehel.
RJR1 TIL During WWII the Russians had their own independently developed “Jeep”, but because the Americans sent so many Jeeps to help, the Russians turned their own Jeeps into thousands of little armored cars. They were surprisingly successful and widely exported after the war.
0w77j TIL that during the filming for The Order of the Phoenix, Alan Rickman banned Rupert Grint and Matthew Lewis from coming within 5 meters of his new BMW, because during the making of the Goblet of Fire, they spilled milkshake in his other car