› added 2 days ago


TIL that the Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean (average depth: 4,280m (14,040ft)), covering approximately 32% of the Earth's surface and about 46% of its water surface. Its area is around 165 million km² (63.8 million square miles), which is larger than all landmasses combined

Bm6L TIL there are more iphones sold globally then children born. At a rate of 4.6 per second
7rVbO TIL the creator of the TV show Archer became bored with the show and wrote a Country music career for Cheryl in season 5. The shows producers went so far as record a full country album. That album surprised music fans with its quality and reached #68 on iTunes.
XljR TIL of Lauri Törni, a Finnish soldier that after fighting in the winter war against the USSR, he joined the SS and kept fighting until the end WW2. After WW2, he migrated to the US and joined the US Army, and died in combat in Vietnam in 1965 by which time he had earned high ranking U.S. awards.
p8kPZ TIL of an alleged mental disorder called 'zero stroke' which came about during German hyperinflation in the early 1920s. Those affected would write endless strings of zeros and, in some cases, state that they were ten billion years old or had forty trillion children
b6kR0 TIL Priss Fotheringham, famed for popularising 'chucking', an act dating back to ancient Rome. She'd stand on her head naked, legs apart, allowing patrons to toss coins into her "commodity". Legend has it she could fit 16 half-crowns, a notable achievement per modern commentators.