› added 9 years ago


TIL Robert Liston is the only surgeon in history to have performed an operation with a 300% mortality rate, losing his patient to infection, accidentally amputating his assistant’s fingers, who also died of infection, and slashing a spectator who died from shock

KYZjR TIL the fire horse is a Sexagenary (60 year) cycle in Japan which, according to a superstition, girls born in such a year will grow up to kill their husbands. Therefore, birthrates in Japan tend to see a sharp decline (e.g 25% decline in 1966 vs 1965). The next year of the fire horse is 2026
GYGQ TIL NASA set out to disprove the claims of the “Mayan Apocolypse”, and did.
E1ZaP TIL that rechargeable electric cars existed and were quite popular in the late 1800’s. Worldwide discoveries of large petroleum reserves and road infrastructure that required longer driving time led to their decline.
7rLoM TIL that during construction of the new Yankee Stadium, a construction worker and avid Boston Red Sox fan buried a replica jersey of Red Sox player David Ortiz underneath the visitors' dugout with the objective of placing a "hex" on the Yankees, much like the "Curse of the Bambino."
4kB1N TIL Benjamin Bolger overcame dyslexia to eventually earn 17 degrees as of March 2022. After special education programs didn't help him, he began being home-schooled in 4th grade. He also left Yale Law at 19 when he struggled again, but enrolled at Oxford after additional training for his dyslexia.