› added 11 years ago


TIL that despite geographically spanning five time zones, all of China uses Beijing time.

9Yo5M TIL that Napoleon Bonaparte's nephew, Charles Louis Napoléon Bonaparte was elected to be the first president of France in 1841. He staged a coup d'etat at the end of his term in 1851 and ruled as emperor Napoleon III till his death since the constitution didn't let him seek reelection.
v1Z47 TIL that Mozart had an extreme dislike for the soprano Adriana Ferrarese del Bene. She had a strange tendency to bob her head to low and high notes, and knowing this, Mozart chose to fill her showpiece with constant harmonic leaps. He took great pleasure watching her bob her head "like a chicken".
0dg15 TIL: On September 11th 2001, United 175 reported to ATC that they had visual contact with American 11, and United 175 was told to turn and avoid American 11, only minutes before they were also hijacked.
D1JJJ Today I learned that that skin flap on cats' stomachs is not due to overweight. Instead they may serve to protect the cat's internal organs when in fights. It also allows for the cats to stretch more when running/jumping and provides room for an extended belly in case of a bigger than usual meal.
bPr0 TIL that the US and Britain nearly went to war in 1859 because an American farmer shot a pig and then refused to pay for it. The US sent 461 men to “make a Bunker Hill of it” and Britain sent 2,140 men and five warships before President Buchanan calmed everyone the heck down.