› added 7 years ago


TIL Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister) and Jerome Flynn (Bronn) are kept apart on Game of Thrones despite being involved with the same characters, due to refusing to speak to one another.

PY9Kg TIL Leonardo DiCarpio was offered the lead role in Hocus Pocus, but turned it down to act in What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Though he was paid far less, it earned him his first Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor.
e01QE TIL that the Quran references Jesus's mother Mary 70 times and holds her in very high regard, identifying her as the greatest of all women
ADl87 TIL UPS drivers don't take the shortest routes. UPS has special software which optimises each route by eliminating as many left-hand turns as possible. As result, UPS claims it uses 10m gallons less fuel, emits 20,000 tonnes less carbon dioxide and delivers 350,000 more packages every year.
woAL6 TIL Yellowstone’s famed thermal pools can melt flesh and bone. In 2016, a tourist illegally searching for a swimmable hot spring fell into a portion of the Norris Geyser Basin, where his body was dissolved by the boiling, highly acidic water. His wallet and shoes were all that remained of him.
LmRZ TIL that in Iceland books are exchanged on Christmas Eve & you spend the rest of the night reading. Iceland publishes more books per capita than any other country; & new books are typically published only during the Christmas season. This frenzy is called Jólabókaflóð, or “Christmas Book Flood.”