› added 3 years ago


TIL Danny DeVito played a huge part in getting Pulp Fiction made, including shopping the script around to dozens of studios after Tristar passed on it for being "too violent".

nARB TIL Alexander the Great, upon being refused a prophecy from the Oracle at Delphi about his ambition to conquer the world, dragged her out of her adyton by her hair until she exclaimed, “You are invincible, my son!” He then dropped her and left, stating, “Now I have my answer.”
B4Je TIL that while he was writing the score for The Last Samurai, Hans Zimmer felt that his knowledge of Japanese music was very limited even after doing extensive research. When he took what he had written to Japan for feedback he was shocked when he was asked how he knew so much about Japanese music.
Z8O9G TIL that traditionally on a Korean baby’s first birthday, they are celebrated with a party with many special traditions. This party was historically because many Korean babies died before their first birthday before modern healthcare and 1 year of life was a blessing and an accomplishment.
ADVNo TIL July 28, 1915 the US invaded and occupied Haiti. They moved the financial reserves to the United States and then rewrote Haiti’s Constitution to give foreigners land-owning rights.
GgvN TIL that six lionfish that escaped from an aquarium in Florida destroyed by Hurricane Andrew have now grown into a population so invasive they threaten reef fish habitations throughout the Caribbean.