› added 6 years ago


TIL Robert Rodriguez & John Malkovich made a movie called "100 Years" that will be released when a high-tech safe automatically opens on November 18th, 2115. 1,000 guests possess metal tickets for a viewing, which they may pass down to their descendants.

xpno TIL In 2009, scientists at India’s Defense Research and Development Organization announced plans to use ghost peppers in hand grenades, as a non-lethal way to flush out terrorists from their hideouts. It would also be developed into pepper spray as a self-defense/anti-rape product.
MLN8 TIL in 1926 a Pasadena mailman planted some avocado seeds intending to graft with the desirable Fuerte variety. The graft repeatedly failed on one tree and he was going to cut it down, but was advised to “wait and see what happens”. It became the mother tree from which all Hass avocados originate.
ldB5 TIL a 2011 study showed schizophrenic patients perform significantly better at certain logical tasks than normal controls by utilizing intrinsic quantum-like logic.
wlL7 TIL an Archerfish rotates its eyes to lock onto prey (i.e. insects), has its lips break the surface, and squirts a jet of water. It contracts its gills so the water at the rear travels faster than at the front, causing it to become a blob directly before impact. They can shoot prey 3-6 feet away.
9w6oX TIL Keanu Reeves has never won an Oscar, Golden Globe, or Emmy award of any kind. In fact, he has never even been nominated for an Oscar, Golden Globe, or Emmy.