› added 4 years ago


TIL that the blanket octopus has the biggest sexual size-dimorphism of any non microscopic organism. Females can be 6 feet long, while males are only 2.4 cms long.

rRLke TIL the greater rhea, an ostrich-like bird native to South America, is now represented by a small but growing wild population in northern Germany after some escaped from a game farm in 2000. Hunting was recently introduced to control the population.
Lkadp TIL on July 9, 1962 , a nuclear bomb called "Starfish Prime" was successfully detonated in outer space as a part of the program ‘Operation Fishbowl" following two failures that resulted in radioactive material falling to earth from 35,000 feet.
ne1MP TIL George Lucas didn’t want Harrison Ford to play Indiana Jones because he didn’t want them to become known as a pair like DeNiro and Scorsese. Lucas and Spielberg thought Tom Selleck was perfect for the part but he had already filmed the pilot “Magnum P.I.” and couldn’t get out of the contract
Oo7yg TIL of Agafia Lykov, a hermit who lived in Siberian wilderness for all of her 75+ yrs. Her family lived in isolation 'til in her 35 yrs, geologist stumbled upon their dwelling place. She's the last surviving family member, in 1988 to present, she lived alone in the cold mountainside of Khakassia
wL8Zo TIL: The founder of the Smithsonian never visited the United States. But in 1901, when his grave in Italy was to be relocated to make room for a quarry, Alexander Graham Bell, a Smithsonian regent, proposed moving his remains to the Smithsonian. So the museum ended up collecting its founders remains