› added 4 years ago


TIL - Battle of Machias was an early naval engagement of the American Revolutionary War a small town militia captured an armed sloop and two merchant ships. Two years later the British tried it again with 1,000 men but were beaten off.

5ea8 TIL Eminem recorded his Slim Shady LP under the influence of ecstasy. Dr. Dre described the experience by saying “We get in there, get bugged out, stay in the studio for fuckin’ two days. Then you’re dead for three days. Then you wake up, pop the tape in, like, ‘Let me see what I’ve done.’”
AnXx TIL- There is a bug that wears the corpses of it’s prey. The “assassin bug” stabs and paralyzes it’s prey before sucking their innards out. It then dons the corpses for camouflage and protection.
AVy4 TIL that Nirvana was adamantly told not to play the song “Rape Me” at the 1992 MTV Music Awards. Nevertheless, at the start of the performance, Cobain started playing the chords to “Rape Me” as MTV producers watched in horror. He then switched back to “Lithium”, as scheduled.
epee5 TIL about Project X-Ray, also known as the Bat Bomb, which was an experimental WW2 weapon developed by the US. The concept was to drop hundreds of bats with timed explosives attached to them, let them roost in Japanese attics, and then ignite the explosives to make the houses ignite.
bGxQ TIL that Macklemore changes the number of lives he has seen Oxycontin take when performing Otherside live whenever he loses a friend to the drug. He’s gone from 3 to 6.