› added 4 years ago


TIL an actress from Scarface freaked out during a bloody scene. She went home & claimed she had seen something she shouldn’t have. Shortly afterwards, she disappeared & was never seen again.

j6Dj TIL that the original surveyors of Mount Everest lied and added 2 feet to its height to make it 29,002 feet, because they didn’t think people would believe them if they said it was really 29,000 feet high.
E14A0 TIL that poisonous food substances are the reason we find bitter taste unpleasant. Our taste buds evolved associating bitter taste to poison because most of the poisonous wild fruits are bitter & nutritious ones, sweet. The feature which protected us for centuries is now causing major health-risks.
XKJX TIL in Zapp Brannigan’s debut on Futurama, Brannigan was to appear fatter in every shot throughout the first episode in which he appeared, but the animators were so disgusted by his ultimate appearance that the idea was dropped.
b66Np TIL about Draisines: pedal-powered rail-cycles. They are used for recreation on unused railway lines in Europe, South Korea & the USA. In the United States, tours have operated in several states nationwide: CA ME, OR & the Adirondack Mountains (NYS). They used to be used for railway maintenance.
E1OxX TIL that the whole idea that fish don’t have long-term memories and aren’t very smart in general is plain wrong. In the contrary, fish are actually very intelligent creatures, can remember whole neighborhoods, some use tools like we do and can even do the math.