› added 3 years ago


TIL that owls cannot move their eyes. This is because their eyes are not balls, but cylinders that are held in place by bones called sclerotic rings. This is also the reason that owls have evolved to be able to rotate their head 270 degrees left and right, and 90 degrees up and down.

YQOG TIL that in the 16th century, Christians called the Anabaptists did not partake in infant baptism, instead believing that only free-willed adults could decide for themselves to be baptized. They were persecuted and killed.
QNxmk TIL about "Man Engines" which were moving ladders that constantly moved up and down about 10 feet and used to move miners from 1000 ft deep mine shafts by stepping on and off the ladder step at the top of the up stroke, then stepping onto the next step on the down stroke (animation in link)
WQpA TIL men who pee while sitting down more effectively empty their bladders thereby reducing the risk of prostate cancer.
XERdP TIL - USA - If you work an average of 30 hours a week, or 130 hours a month, you are entitled to full-time benefits. Do not let companies lie to you. You can contact your local Bureau of Labor and Industry to file a complaint and they will help you. You cannot be fired for this.
laK5 TIL the mysterious “Umbrella Man” (aka Louie Steven Witt) of the JFK assassination said, “I think if the Guinness Book of World Records had a category for people who were at the wrong place at the wrong time, doing the wrong thing, I would be No. 1 in that position, without even a close runner-up.”