› added 6 years ago


TIL in 1984 an animator named Jim Jenkins had a rough breakup and suffered injuries in a biking accident. He gained a new outlook on life and desired a world “where there is no overdue rent and no delinquent phone bills”. This inspired the creation of Bluffington, the hometown of Nickelodeon's Doug.

x0d1 TIL that Nimrod, recorded in Genesis as “a mighty hunter before the Lord” is now used to mean a dimwitted or stupid person because of Bugs Bunny who sarcastically refers to Elmer Fudd as “nimrod,” an ironic connection between “mighty hunter” and “poor little Nimrod”, i.e. Fudd. No one got the joke.
OoQee TIL a man named David Gonzalez was renovating a home he purchased for $10,100. Inside a wall he found a copy of action comics #1 featuring the debut of superman. The comic sold at auction for $175,000. Afterwards he found a copy of superman #4 from the spring of 1940 worth between $500 and $5,000
O84Y TIL holding a sword by the blade and using the hilt as a bludgeon was a technique called the “murder strike” in German fencing.
jNL7j TIL President John Tyler had 8 children with his wife Letitia. She died of a stroke in the White House at age 52. After Letitia’s death his niece served as First Lady until he married Julia who was 30 years younger and had 7 children. Tyler’s 15 kids are the most of any U.S. President.
pYZ4 TIL that after examining deforested areas of the Amazon rainforest, archaeologists discovered that ancient Amazon Indians had carved massive, flawlessly designed geometric shapes into the ground. They are several hundred yards in diameter.