› added 4 years ago


TIL that Mia Farrow's husband, famous singer Frank Sinatra, was furious when she landed the lead role in Rosemary's Baby. Previously, Sinatra had demanded she forgo her career when they wed, and he served her divorce papers via a corporate lawyer in front of the cast and crew midway through filming.

v1kDR TIL Vincent Van Gogh moved back into his parents’ house at 30. He was unaccomplished, distracted by prostitutes, and thought he was hot shit.
p8Y8O TIL the Norris-Bittaker tape; an audio recording of a murder so brutal that it is used to desensitize potential FBI agents. It has been deemed too gruesome to be released to the public, and an officer took his own life after hearing it.
JYnrk TIL a man robbed two bank after covering his face in lemon juice, which he believed would hide him from the cameras because it was "invisible ink". His case led psychologists to describe the Dunning-Kruger effect, where ignorance leads people to overestimate their knowledge.
MeMKA TIL researchers in Japan came up with a fire alarm that emits the pungent odour of wasabi to alert people with hearing impairments of a fire. They tested this on 14 subjects, and 13 of them, including 4 deaf subjects, woke up within 2 minutes. It turned out that the 14th subject had a blocked nose.
XK6X TIL that during World War 2, the British captured Germans and put them in a bugged mansion where they served them wine and food and thus they were able to gather important intelligence from casual conversations between the ‘prisoners’ that helped them greatly win the war