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TIL in 1901 a pregnant Madame Bobin fell ill and “died”. Later, when her body was exhumed they found that not only had Bobin been buried alive, but she gave birth while inside the coffin before eventually asphyxiating.

l79p5 TIL that in 2007 BBC journalist Alan Yentob was caught out for having clips of himself nodding inserted into interviews on a TV show he fronted to make it appear that he had conducted them instead of other journalists
1Gv8 TIL The definition for ‘literally’ now includes 'in effect; in substance; very nearly; virtually,’ which literally changes the definition of literally. The phrase 'He was literally drowning in his own tears’ is grammatically correct, even if the person isn’t, in reality, drowning in their own tears.
glyy TIL of Philippe Servaty, a Belgian journalist who photographed himself having sex with over 80 girls in Morocco; he had promised to take them to Europe, but then he ditched them and published the photos online.
DYde TIL that a librarian found smallpox scabs stored inside a 19th century medical book. In the 1800s scabs from infected people would be inserted into healthy people as a means of vaccination. These scabs have the potential to shed light on The evolution of the small pox vaccine used in the Us today.
b9YL7 TIL there is a functional link between syphilis and the popularity of codpieces in the 1500s. Syphilis showed up in Europe in 1494 shortly after Columbus returned and codpieces appeared around 1500. The codpiece protected the penis, held medicinal ointments and protected stylish clothing.